Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 2/Day 2 - An apple a day...will make you bored

Well. My short attention span has started to kick in. The excitement I felt initially for this plan has started to wain. Frankly, I'm bored with eating healthy foods. (Hey, I meant it when I said before that I get bored easily) Like so many projects I've started only to stop a week later, I'm beginning to feel the familiar pull to move on to something different - and tastier. But for the first time, this isn't an option. My desire to be healthy hasn't gone away....but my desire to expand my food horizons has definitely made itself noticeable. 

Still being in the first phase of my weight loss plan, I am somewhat restricted by the types of food I can eat. I can knock myself out on non-starchy vegetable, eat plenty of fruit, have two servings of low-fat dairy, and more protein than I sometimes care for....but what I want, what I REALLY want is a starchy food after lunch. I've identified my weakest point as sometime after dinner and before bed. Normally, this would be the time that I would enjoy some beers, a glass of wine, some popcorn, snack mix, brownies...basically any starchy carb. The elimination of those foods has left a gaping hole in my evening routine. At first, it was fine because I was excited by eating right. Now, after a hard, stressful day at work, it's not as much fun and not so easy to ignore. All I can say is...THANK GOD FOR THIS BLOG!!! If I did not feel accountable to the people reading this, I guarantee you, I'd be downing a couple of me and Nick's homemade brews right about now. That is how weak my resolve is at this moment. They say it takes 28 days to make a habit, well, I have 8 down and 20 to go until maybe this lifestyle will feel like a part of me. At least I only have one week left of this phase, then I can blissfully eat some brown rice with dinner, or a baked potato-THANK YOU!!!! 

I know I can do this. I don't doubt that I will. Today, I'm just not as thrilled about. I would love to be all sunshine, rainbows and weight loss - but that wouldn't be honest, now would it:) I feel like anyone who is going to change their lifestyle needs to know, its not always fun, easy or exciting. At times, it becomes a chore. Admittedly, I am pretty tired and am having some joint pain today, so I know that plays a part in my feelings. (*****TMI ALERT****** I'm also PMSing, so you know how that goes...I might kill someone for a Snickers bar so make sure you have some bail money set aside for me, please!) 

Okay, I'm not going to spend this whole entry complaining. I have discovered that warm broth (chicken, beef, veggie) is really soothing, relaxing and for some reason, tastes bad for you but it's not!! It has filled a little bit of that void this evening. 
I'm gonna give myself a little pep talk - It's just a day!! It will pass, tomorrow will be better and all things considered, a little bit of discomfort is so worth the results it will garner. I'm going to keep on keeping on...and again, so glad I have this blog to keep me honest. For anyone out there trying to lose weight and struggling, remember, we are in this together. I know there are couple of you out there, and I've got your back if you've got mine;)


  1. what about black bean brownies? Can you eat those? I've tried some at school and they are very yummy. :) Hang in there, you can do it!

  2. You're funny. I know you're having a tough time on this day of your blog but you make me chuckle. Blatant honesty is what makes your blog a motivator for me....:)
