Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Andy's Fruit Ranch - where they herd heads of lettuce and not heads of cattle

Day One has officially passed. First I would like to say "thank you" to the already overwhelming support of my friends and family. I have a really good feeling about this and already the words of encouragement have helped me pass a bump or two today. I know, I know...Amanda, how have you hit a bump or two and your are only on your first day of the race? Short answer - I really like eating. Specifically, I REALLY like eating junk. Today has made my reliance on junk (a.k.a. crack) painfully clear. However, what today also taught me is that I'm not really hungry most of the time. What I experienced today was more like a smoker who has quit cold turkey. I wasn't irritable, but all I could think about was food. Food is my cigarette. Only problem is that you can't survive without food, so you have to face it.

Overall, I enjoyed the food I ate. I generally like all fresh things but by 9 p.m. I was hankerin' for a salty, crunchy, bad-for-you snack. Just for the information of those reading, in order to completely shake up my routine, I have adopted a weight loss solution written by none other than Dr. Phil. AND, just so you know, I think this man is a little bogus but his plan is straightforward. Don't eat crap. My mother-in-law lost over 100 lbs. on this plan. She's a nurse and so I assume she would not embark on a weight loss plan that was bunk or dangerous for you. Basically, you eat tons of non-starchy veggies, fruit, whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy, healthy fats....you get the picture. Nothing crazy, just plain old healthy food. The plan is laid out in three phases to help you completely change your eating habits (especially if they are as bad as mine) and teach your body to crave the good stuff. You eat a ton of food...but unfortunately it's not the food my junk addicted body wants right now.

In a moment of panic, I went to the store and loaded up of fresh veggies and fruits (which thanks to this awesome grocery store, Andy's Fruit Ranch - add joke here, it only set me back $18). My worry is that if I don't have a large variety of healthy options, I will choose poorly. And I also have this small bit of anxiety about not having enough food in the house, but that is another subject. So I get home and almost an hour later have cut up a variety of snack-sized portions of the good stuff and made three huge salads for dinner. (Nick is on this journey with me but my brother, who has no need to lose any weight, just likes to be healthy - which is probably why he doesn't need to lose weight!) So the fridge is stocked for the time being. I've premade a delicious tuna salad sans mayo for tomorrow's lunch and have thawed out the chicken breast for dinner.

So overall, I had a few moments where I would've liked nothing better than to get some chips or snack mix but COME ON this is day one! This is where that lagging self-control needs to step it up! I don't plan on becoming some food Nazi but obviously the lifestyle I was living was not working, and obviously since I have so little self-control, at this point eating even a little will lead to a binge of the snacks. Until my brain has reprogrammed a little and I have come to terms with the root of why I want junk, I need to stay the course. (Sidenote - I mostly blame the chemicals they put in junk food/fast food - there has to be something evil in there to make them taste so darn good!! Am I right!)

Sadly, I did not exercise today, but I will be doing yoga tomorrow. For someone who use to L-O-V-E exercising, I find it funny that I have such hard time getting motivated to stick with a program. All in good time. I realize that I have to take things one at a time. Too many major changes at once are the makings of a failure - at least I think it would be for me. Again, I am striving to reach moderation. But to get there, I will need a little bit of discipline.

Soooooooooooooooo....drumroll please. I have your winning lottery numbers. They are 14, 25, 40, 44, 202. Wait a minute! there isn't a ball with 202 on it. Nope, what I have given you are measurements and eeeekkk, my weight! I can't believe I'm actually putting this out there for anyone to see. I'm kinda freaking out about it, but in order to remain accountable, I have to be honest.

Weight : 202.4
Waist: 40.75 (which for those of you who don't know, puts me at a much greater risk for heart disease and host of other health problems. Just another reason I trying to be real with myself)
Gut (the real waist): 44
Arms: 14.5
Thigh: 25

Oh boy. There it is. Now everyone can compare notes and feel better about themselves!! (just kiddin' we should know by now that comparing ourselves to others is a futile and dangerous task) For your viewing pleasure, I will be posting pictures that will be unflattering, unphotoshopped (unless it would add humor) and honest images of a woman who is ready to get healthy! So, there you have it.

Thanks again for those who have already been so supportive. It is nerve-wracking to put up this kind of personal stuff , but when health is on the line, there is no room for pride.

1 comment:

  1. Love your posts Amanda! I'm testing to see if this post comes thru. It wouldn't let me on your first one. I was on vacation and I'm catching up on your blog. It is a motivation for me as well. I know you are talking about yourself here but what you are saying applies to me!...
