Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Week 2/Day 1 - Drum Roll Please!

Here it is folks....the moment you've been waiting for...well probably not, but I have!!!! It's officially the end of the first week and I have some exciting news! I've lost weight! Haha - I'm sure no one is surprised by that. But how much exactly did I lose? Well here are the stats:

Weight: 195 down from 202.4 (loss=7.4 lbs. down!!!)
Waist: 38.75 down from 40.75 (2 whole inches!!!)
Gut: 43 down from 44 (1 pinch to lose an inch)
Arms and Thighs the same (no exercise...that's the reason)

To be honest, I am more excited about the inches lost than the weight, but I'll take it all! Keep in mind, the program I am following is designed for rapid weight loss during the first two weeks. After that, it should be a steady pace of 1-2 lbs. per week. I also really want to make it clear that I am NOT starving myself or eating only celery. I eat three times a day with 2 snacks. I haven't cut out any food group and am satisfied after each meal. So don't think that you too couldn't do this. And, I haven't exercised regularly...so there you have it. It kind of makes me sad to think that I had such horrible habits before that by simply modifying my diet, I've seen pretty drastic results. One pound a day is a quick loss (I'm assuming quite a bit of this is water weight, which is okay). However, rather than beat myself up on what has been, I'm going to keep looking forward to what WILL be.

On that note, I will confess, I've had a long, hard day. I really, really, really want something comforting and familiar. I'm actually in a pretty stinky mood despite my exciting results. But, in my quest to not be an emotional eater, I'm going to put my mind to other tasks. I may even throw in some endorphin creating exercise (eek) by doing some yoga or going for a walk. Or maybe I'll take a nap (aka fall asleep for the night, HA!). Either way, I won't be thinking about food. 

One problem I have noticed, as of late, is my dimishing physical hunger. I have to force myself to eat (mainly because I don't want to be ravenous later - which leads to bad decisions). It almost seems like a chore. But, you have to keep feeding your body if you want it to keep working, so I eat, and I eat, and I eat. Hopefully this will go away, as I really enjoy food in general, obviously. 

It's been an eventful, challenging week. ONLY a week! Sheesh! In some ways it has seemed like an eternity. I hope the coming week brings more success and with it some exercise!!! To all of you out there fighting your own weight battle.... - WE - are not alone! 


  1. Way to go Amanda!!!!! So super excited your week has been so rewarding on so many levels. Keep it up!

  2. I'm proud of you, and I'm behind you all of the way. Every step will be different - some light and exciting, some heavy and intimidating. The truth is, what you are doing will not kill you. That is important to consider when times get tough. The depth of your desires during those hard times are superficial and can be satiated by successes, support, and new fall back favorite foods.

  3. Congrats Amanda! 7 lbs in one week is quite amazing! Great motivation. I'm wondering if you have any certain time of the evening that you don't eat after. Also, are you getting a good variety of foods or are you eating the same things day to day?
