Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day Three - Cool as a cucumber

Oh boy folks, let me tell you! So everything was going great today (except the a.m. workout but I'll get to that) UNTIL about 2:30. Because it was busy at work, I kept putting off eating my lunch until my coworker asked me to come along with her to do company errands. While out, she grabbed lunch and I had my first experience with being in a restaurant where I could eat abosulely, positively, NOTHING on the menu. Not that I had intentions of buying anything but it's one of my favorite deli spots - A.P. Deli. They specialize in corned beef. And I became a very sad, little girl. The smell was intoxicating and because I hadn't eaten since my apple for a snack at 11:30, I was really hungry. If you've never had A.P. Deli, you are missing a most memorable experience. To add to my agony, the guys messed up the first order and we had to wait almost 15 minutes! I'm telling you the smell and visual sight of my weakness just about drove me over the edge. I put on a tough face and tried to think about the black bean chili I had waiting back at the office but it was hard for me not to hip check the guy waiting in line so that I could order my own heaping pile of heaven. Finally, they were finished with the order and I able to walk away without having purchased anything. I made back to the office and thank goodness that chili was good because if it hadn't been, I might have stolen my co-worker's extra sandwich she bought for her son. So....that was fun.

But I learned a valuable lesson. I DO in fact have a small amount of self-control. And once I got back to "my" food, I was okay.

Okay, I have to say right here that I had written more after this but for some reason the blog was messed up and deleted it! And now I can't remember everything I said:( So recap:

After making it passed that small moment, I felt pretty good about myself. AND BONUS, I have motivated some of my co-workers to join me in my quest to be healthy! Yay! (hey you have to congratulate yourself for the small successes and not beat yourself up over little setbacks, right!) When I got home, I enlisted my friend to go for a walk with me, which thankfully she obliged! We walked for over an hour and it was great! So even though I didn't work out this morning, I still got my move on. Overall, this has been a pretty good day.

I've tried this kind of lifestyle change before but it doesn't seem as hard this time. I have to believe it's because I'm really ready:)


  1. yea! Sounds like you had a great day! I too know those days when you are tempted with the food around you, they are hard to resist, but you seemed to do great with it! Also, I'd love your black bean chili recipe!

  2. Great accomplishment Amanda. I was right there with you in that Deli and I know the battle! YOU WON!!! That's all that matters! I just got back from DisneyWorld with Rachel, Rob and the boys and we did an aweful lot of fine dining! I wanted to do the day by day journey with you. I'm starting now. Keep up the great work....I'm enjoying your thought process in your writing.
